Monday 13 May 2013

The last beginning: EXPERIMENT 3

Being of Chinese descent, I've often seen traditional chinese paintings of the awe-inspiring Huang-shan (Yellow Mountain ranges). I have attempted to replicate the landscape. 


My proposed theory derived from a mashup of three articles:
1. George H. Marcus, Le Corbusier: Inside the Machine for Living (New York: The Monacelli Press, Inc, 2000), 30.
2. Andrew Benjamin, "The Standards of the Non Standard," Architectural Review Australia, 2000-2003, AR087. 
3. Kate Nesbitt, Theorising a New Agenda for Architecture: an Anthology of Architectural Theory 1965-95) (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, date not specified)

Although Le Corbusier's Plan Libre permits the interior to develop freely unhindered by the lack of internal divisions determined by structural requirements, his "Machine for Living" paradigm idealises that "One of the most important concerns of modern architecture is to determind precisely the function of the materials (Le Corbusier)", implicating that the architectural features should act as a celebration of the structural frame. This utilitarian approach is contradicted by Eisenmann who critiques the traditional opposition between the qualities of the good, the rational, and true, and of the terrifying sublime (the unnatural and unpresent).

While indeed, Architecture must displace the former ways of conceptualizing itself,” and requires a more complex form of the beautiful, one which contains he ugly, or a rationality that contains the irrational.  a continuity or a confluence between mathematics and matter is capable of overcoming the separation between form and function wherein replacing the opposition is an approach delimited by "morphogenesis" proposed by mathematician Abraham robinson. Accordingly, differences and discontinuities should be effects of continuity. What was an originally discontinuous structure- Le Corbusier's Maison Domino- through its digitalisation becomes a continuity that is then able to generate different discontinuous elements.

Thus, the University located between two factions of the valley will demarcate the rational, but through a controlled ravelling and unravelling of program and structure that differentiates between, yet unites, the various meeting, circulation, and teaching and learning spaces. Such is my theory of the "rational irrationality".

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