Saturday 4 May 2013

EXP2: 5 realtime images

the"Electroliquid Aggregation":

 Architectural originality and futurism can be achieved by breaking rectilinear and euclidean rules of geometry, creating a creative adventure between function and experience. (Daniel Libeskind)
Individual, unique entities can be arranged to work harmoniously to contribute to a whole. (Hans Scharoun)
When rectilinear and euclidean rules of geometry are broken to create unique entities, architectural originality and futurism can be achieved. When both the former and latter are present, it is the contrast and transition between them which create an adventure between function and experience.

image 1:
Through its linearity and vertical extension, and perpendicular angles, Monument 1 epitomises the rectilinear and euclidean rules of geometry. Against the backdrop of rising glaciers which it frames, it alludes to notions of status and conformity. 
image 2:
Looking down from Monument 2 to 1, one realizes a vast transition in not only height but geometry and shape. Like the glacier boulders and icebergs of the surrounding landscape, which have become somewhat separated from each other and the motherland, the monument is composed of individual and unique entities which regardless, still belong and contribute wholistically to the structure.  

image 3:
The space between serves as a junction in which the two ideas collide and melt into one another. It is straight, flat, and linear- yet it joins the two components at acute and obtuse, rather than right angles, and it tapers slightly inwards as one reaches the foot of the pinnacle structure. Thus it serves as a bridge across which ideas can be exchanged and intertwined.

image 4:
The entire structure is nestled at the opening of a gorge in the glacier

image 5:
The enclosure and low-roofedness experienced in monument 2 differs greatly from the openness of the first. At night time, artificial lighting plays a major role in reiterating the sense of disorganisation and intimacy which contrasts with the distanced, calm and rational.

Link to sketchup model:

Link to Cryengine levels folder (contains the latest and final version of the terrain as well as successive developments of it):


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